National Day of Prayer: Cape Cod

( Live Thursday, May 2 @ 5:20 PM)

NDP Cape Cod
Prayer Guide

Changing the World has partnered with National Days of Prayer, Cape Cod to assemble this prayer guide. We hope it helps you to make a difference in your community.

Acts 1:8“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (NIV)

“Changing the world, one heart at a time” starts with your heart.

Pray in humble surrender & submission under God, casting all cares on Him because He cares for you; receive the Holy Spirit to empower, guide, & continually change you daily.

6 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

1 Peter 5:6-8 (NLT)

Pray for your family / household to experience revival.

    Pray for your sphere of influence:
  • Your friends
  • Your church community (incl. pastors & leaders)
  • Your colleagues/peers at work/school
  • Your neighbors/neighborhood

JERUSALEM: Cape Cod community

Local Government

    School Boards & Other Committees

    The school board sets the vision for the school district and the decisions they make at their monthly meetings (including appointing the Superintendent) make a difference for your school.

    Town Manager/Administrator

    Carries out the day-to-day operations of the Town and appoints members of various standing committees. Responsible for administering and coordinating all employees, activities and departments. Implements the goals and carries out the policies of the Select Board, including all fiscal affairs. The Town Manager is appointed by the Select Board.

    Public Safety

  • Police
  • Fire

Towns & Town Meetings

JUDEA: Massachusetts & New England

Praying that the “frozen chosen” experience would give way to the true "Spirit of America": Great Awakening.

Recommended Sites

    State Government

  • Governor
  • MA Court System
  • State Senate
    1. State House


Pray for the Republic, that we would truly be "One Nation Under God, indivisible, with liberty & justice for all.”

    Federal Government

  • Legislative Branch:

  • Judicial Branch:

    Supreme Court
    : the “last stop” of the Constitution – the supreme law of the land
  • Executive Branch:

    President, VP, & Cabinet


  • Persecuted Christians in the world

  • For unreached people groups to have access to the gospel & word of God.

  • Muslim world in Africa, the Middle East, & Asia (10/40 Window)

    Recommended Apps

  • Joshua Project (Link)

  • Voice of the Martyrs (Link)


  • Tribal: 161 million unreached - 60 laborers / 1 million
    Believes in spirits that live all around us: in trees, in fields, in rocks, in rooftops. People must try to keep these spirits happy and enlist their help. Animists usually live with a certain amount of fear that a spirit will be unhappy with them.
  • Hindu: 860 million unreached - 2 laborers / 1 million
    Believes in hundreds or thousands of gods (which are all seen as appearances of one divine essence). God, as the Christians understand Him, may be divine, but what the Christians call "God" is only one of millions of gods. Believes in reincarnation - that is, when you die, you come back to life as an insect or a cow or even a better (or worse) person.
  • Unreligious: 121 million unreached - 12 laborers / 1 million
  • Muslim: 1.3 billion unreached people- 6 laborers / 1 million
    Believes in one God. God is to be worshiped, but He is too high and far away to think of as "father." In fact, to call him "father" would be blasphemy. Jesus was a great prophet, but He was not God. Christ was not crucified for our sins; he actually lived to be an old man.
  • Buddhist: 275 million unreached- 13 laborers / 1 million
    Follows a path of discipline in order to reach enlightenment.
    Often there is no conception of a god at all